Website Redesign

Don't leave your site in the past...

The technologies used for web site development are in constant evolution, so it is essential that you keep your site up to date with the latest technological advances

Web sites that use old and outdated standards are losing their potential customers and falling drastically in the organic positions of search engines like Google. Don't be left behind the competition, we reformulate your site using the most modern standards so that your business can reach new goals.


It is a fact, when a customer opens your web page the first impression is the one your web site conveys. If your web site does not convey professionalism with poor design, 90% of these users will leave your site within the first few seconds. So it is important that your web site has a modern design that transmits a good impression, attracting new customers. We redesign the entire structure of your site, giving new life to your old web site.


Behind a functional design there is a whole code structure to support a correct visualization of your pages, helping in search indexing, responsiveness of pages, so they can be viewed on different screen sizes (cell phones, tablets) without losing quality. We prioritize a clean and efficient code using the latest web standards to complement the user experience.


Basic optimizations such as choosing the correct size of images and the appropriate format for each situation, the correct order of initialization of scripts, fonts, and configuration of meta data, all positively impact the loading speed of your site, generating great benefits for users. We will use all the appropriate resources according to the needs of your website.  

Web Hosting

The hosting of your website makes all the difference to the user who accesses your pages, there is no point in reformulating your web site with the latest standards if the hosting server does not support new technologies and is not prepared to process all the accesses that your site receives, leading to errors and delays in loading. We provide optimized hosting service free of charge for 3 months for the redesigned sites.


Search Engine Optimization is a technique that allows your website to achieve better results in organic searches of search engines like Google and Bing. We will make all the necessary adjustments for your site to be easily indexed for the searches of your business niche, making sure that you do not lose the power of the already indexed pages, correctly configuring 301 redirects and fine SEO adjustments.

Social Integration

Today social networks play an important role in the promotion of your business. We integrate your social networks to your web pages, allowing easy sharing and greater interaction and proximity to your users through social networks. All this so that your business creates authority and strengthens itself online, generating great benefits in traffic and more customers.

What you get by developing your site with us:

SEO Optimization

All sites developed have clean code and are already optimized for search engines like Google and Bing. We develop web sites with all the fine tuning of seo, according to the needs of each client and within the recommended standards.

Safety taken seriously

We take special care with the security of your web site. We configure your site so that it is not an easy target for cyber attacks and according to your company's needs. Protection against SPAM, DoS, encryption, among other security measures.

Responsive Websites

We make it a point that all web sites are fully responsive. Responsive sites are sites that adapt to any screen size or resolution. Your site will be readable and compatible if accessed from a cell phone or computer.


Web sites that are ready to grow, you can start with a site of a few pages today and tomorrow create a virtual store with thousands of products and pages. All this without having to redo your site from scratch, the possibilities are endless.


Sites compatible and compliant with the standards defined by W3C. Resulting in greater compatibility with current and next generation browsers. Your site will work correctly in all major browsers.


The web sites created can offer ease of maintenance and content creation: such as images, text, and videos. We create dynamic or static sites according to your needs and offer full support.

Web Site Creation

Development of cutomized web sites, using the latest technology and web standards.

Digital Marketing

Want to reach your goals faster? Invest in digital marketing in search engines and social networks.